Wake Technical Community College is subject to the Open-Door Admission Policy established by the State Board of Community Colleges. This policy provides for admission of any legal resident of the United States who is a high school graduate, is at least 18 years old or is an emancipated minor.
This policy is based on the belief that the college has something to offer at all educational levels and that, through effective guidance, any person can find his or her place in the proper educational program.
Wake Tech reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant who has been suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons from another educational institution. Additionally, the college reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant who poses an articulable, imminent and significant threat to others. Such applicants will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the college shall document the following:
An evaluation committee composed of Wake Tech Campus Police staff, the associate vice president for enrollment services, a curriculum representative and two Enrollment & Student Services representatives shall review information presented by the associate dean of admissions. The associate VP for enrollment services serves as the chair and recorder of the committee. At its discretion, the committee may request an interview with the applicant. The committee will make a recommendation to the president through the VP for enrollment services within seven business days of convening and reviewing the information presented. The president or his designee will make the final admission decision. Upon receiving the president's decision, the associate VP for enrollment services will notify the applicant.
State authorization for distance education
Online education is an integral part of Wake Tech's program offerings. The college is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC SARA), which allows students in participating states and territories to enroll in online distance education classes.
Recruiting service members
As required by the U.S. Department of Defense and to eliminate unfair, deceptive and abusive marketing aimed at service members, Wake Tech will do the following:
Wake Technical Community College offers equal employment and educational opportunities to all employees, prospective employees, students and prospective students. Equal educational opportunity, affirmative action and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act are viewed by the Board of Trustees as integral parts of the mission and purpose of Wake Tech.
Questions concerning this policy should be addressed as follows:
Student matters – Office of Student Conduct, 919-866-6169 on Southern Wake Campus or 919-532-5663 on Scott Northern Wake Campus
Employee matters – Director of Employee Relations & Talent Management, 919-866-7890
Anyone wishing to attend Wake Tech must complete the online Application for Admission. The application should indicate whether the applicant is a curriculum student applicant or a visiting student applicant:
Curriculum student applicants must have official transcripts of high school and college work, if applicable, submitted directly to Wake Tech. Acceptance by Wake Tech is conditional, based on receipt of a final, official high school transcript.
Awarding of financial aid may be blocked if an official high school transcript is not on file. Subsequent registration will be blocked on the 30th day of the semester if official transcripts are not received by the college. Transcripts submitted become the property of the college upon receipt and may not be copied for student use.
High school: Applicants who are high school seniors can have their school submit a transcript showing work through the first semester of the junior year for admission, as soon as possible after the semester has ended, and a final transcript showing graduation at the close of school.
GED/high school equivalency: Applicants who have a high school equivalency certificate should request that an official copy be sent directly to Wake Tech. Applicants can obtain documentation from the high school equivalency office in the state where the certificate was issued.
College: Applicants who wish to transfer credits to Wake Tech must submit official transcripts for an evaluation to be completed. Applicants presenting transcripts of completed associate degrees or higher will not need to submit high school transcripts.
Other educational documents: If secondary education/high school was completed outside the U.S., applicants must submit transcript(s) and completion certificate(s) – with certified translations if documents are not in English. If an examination after secondary education is required for completion, the applicant must submit the examination certificate(s) from the Examination Council.
Applicants should submit transcripts electronically to [email protected] or mail them to:
Wake Tech Community College
Admissions Office
9101 Fayetteville Road
Raleigh NC 27603
Wake Tech prioritizes students' high school GPA and standardized test scores for placement in college classes. Tests to determine readiness and skill level in English, reading, writing and math are administered to applicants pursuing a degree, diploma and certain certificates who did not graduate from a U.S. high school or who have no other admission criteria for placement. Test results are used to place students in the appropriate class level and to determine if transition instruction is needed.
Students are exempt from taking the tests or portions thereof and are placed based on the following criteria, as verified through official transcript or score report:
Placement may be based on High School Equivalency (HSE) for applicants who have HSE scores taken January 2014 or later with scores shown below:
If no placement measure exists, an applicant may request to take the placement test or begin in transition courses.
Students who are non-native speakers of English will take the ACCUPLACER-EFL test and may be required to enroll in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses. Additional information about EFL is available in the Student Services section of this catalog under Academic Support and Opportunities.
Applicants who have been notified that they need placement testing may schedule an appointment by emailing [email protected].
To prepare for computerized placement testing, applicants can review test preparation materials.
Associate degree and diploma programs
Certificate programs
Upon admission, students must meet current program requirements. In some instances, licensing or employment in certain fields may be limited by an individual's prior criminal record. Prospective students should check with an academic advisor or appropriate academic department head to determine if such sanctions apply.
Some Wake Tech programs have more applicants than available space:
Limited-enrollment programs may have unique admission requirements and may use additional criteria, such as post-secondary coursework, related work experience or professional certification, for selecting applicants. Limited-enrollment programs may also have their own policies, procedures, schedules and deadlines, which are subject to change.
Interested applicants should begin by contacting the Admissions Office and talking to an admissions specialist, who will answer initial questions and guide them through the next steps in the process.
The State Board of Community Colleges establishes tuition annually, and the Wake Technical Community College Board of Trustees establishes special fees associated with some classes. Tuition and fees are listed below and are subject to change without notice.
All tuition and fees are due by the published payment due dates. Students may pay:
Payments may be made using personal check, debit card, credit card (MasterCard or Visa) or cash. If you choose to pay by personal check and are purchasing course materials, it is suggested that each student bring two checks to registration: one for registration and one for books and supplies. Students in curriculum programs and dual-enrollment programs are eligible for Wake Tech's Eagle Advantage program, which provides all textbooks and digital books on a rental basis for a per-credit-hour fee, which is outlined below. Students can opt out of the program if the wish and purchase books on their own. Costs of textbooks vary, depending upon the curriculum in which the student is enrolled.
All rates are subject to change by action of the North Carolina General Assembly (tuition) and the Wake Technical Community College Board of Trustees (fees).
Tuition rates
View current tuition and fees
Fees are established by the Wake Tech Board of Trustees and are subject to change without notice.
College access fee
Facility fee (ice skating, bowling and golf)
Fees are charged to students registering for the following classes:
Registration and tuition charges for audited courses are the same as for courses taken for credit. Audited classes earn neither credit hour nor quality points. Requests to audit must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the last day to add classes.
Returned checks and unpaid accounts
Any student who has a returned check will be notified by certified letter. If the returned check is not cleared within the specified time, all academic records will be frozen until the account is cleared. Students who develop a pattern of payment by returned checks will have this payment option revoked. Once identified, these individuals will be required to pay by cash, money order, certified check or credit card. The bank is authorized to present NSF checks for payment a second time, which may result in additional fees being assessed.
Unpaid student accounts, including returned checks and unpaid parking tickets, will prevent graduation, the granting of credit and the release of any transcript.
Senior citizen tuition waiver
Individuals age 65 or older are required to pay for tuition and fees for all community college classes taken for credit. These individuals may choose, on the first day of the course, to audit courses with the following guidelines as outlined in 1E SBCCC 1000.2:
Curriculum classes
Refunds are processed under the North Carolina Community College System refund policy.
Tuition refunds are automatically processed based on deadlines and drop dates and sent to BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution powered by BMTX Inc., for processing.
Refunds are issued only after the 10% date in the semester. This date is published as the drop deadline in class schedules and registration information each semester.
Tuition is charged on a per-credit-hour basis up to a maximum of 16 credit hours per term. There is no additional tuition charge for registration in excess of maximum credit hours. Students will be eligible for refunds when course drops result in enrollment for less than maximum credit hours and meet the applicable conditions described below.
For regular-schedule classes that begin the first week (seven calendar days) of the term:
For classes that begin at times other than the first week (seven calendar days) of the term:
To comply with applicable federal regulations regarding refunds, federal regulations supersede the state refund regulations stated in this rule.
For classes for which the college collects receipts that are not required to be deposited into the State Treasury account, the college will adopt local refund policies.
Canceled classes
A 100% refund will be given if the class in which the student is officially registered is canceled by the college.
Military tuition
Upon request, the college will grant a full refund of tuition and fees to military reserve and National Guard personnel called to active duty or active-duty personnel with assignments outside North Carolina that make it impossible for them to complete course requirements.
When a student withdraws entirely and the tuition refund is approved by the college as set forth above, student activity and community schools fees will be refunded in total.
Death of a student
In the event of a student's death, all tuition and fees paid for that term may be refunded to the estate of the deceased.
Books will be accepted for full refund when the student withdraws from the college or drops a class on or before the 10% point in the semester, provided the books have not been marked in or otherwise defaced. Students must present requests for book refunds (with sales receipts) by the 10% point in the semester to the bookstore manager, who is authorized to accept or reject the request for refund.
Students who have been admitted to and have enrolled in a curriculum degree, diploma or certificate program will receive information about course planning and registration from an advisor, based on the student's program of study.
Visiting students (those who have not declared a program of study) are not assigned an advisor but may seek assistance with course planning or registration from the Academic Advising Office as needed.
Registration is conducted online via Self-Service:
Access to the registration system may be blocked if a financial or academic hold has been placed on a student's records. Some classes may require special permission to register from the curriculum dean. Visit Wake Tech's Registration and Records Office for more information.
Registration will be canceled if payment is not received by the deadline listed for the period for which the student has registered. Students are responsible for paying for all scheduled classes by published deadlines. Wake Tech no longer mails invoices. Payment amounts and deadlines are available online. Students are strongly encouraged to pay tuition and fees by credit or debit card at the time of registration to avoid waiting in line for the cashier.
Currently enrolled degree, diploma and certificate students are notified of upcoming registration periods through the academic calendar, on the student portal, by notices around campus, by faculty advisors and online through the Registration and Records Office website. The student is responsible for scheduling an appointment with an advisor.
Course load
The maximum course load is 20 credit hours per term. To carry more than the maximum load, students pursuing a degree, diploma or certificate must obtain an electronic override permission from the dean or the dean's designee.
Wake Tech helps veteran students pursue their academic and career goals, whether they seek a degree, transfer to a university, new skills or a new career. Our Military and Veterans Services Department creates an environment where veterans and military-affiliated students find both support and community. The department is committed to providing veteran students with the highest-quality academic support services by assisting with VA Education Benefits, connecting students with needed resources and offering support programs for their ongoing academic success.
Education benefits
All Wake Tech curriculum programs, as well as Workforce Development's Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) and Barbering programs, are approved by the North Carolina State Approving Agency for use of GI Bill® benefits. Students who are serving on active duty or are retired, are Ready Reservists, are members of the North Carolina National Guard or are spouses or children of deceased or 100-percent disabled veterans or dependents in receipt of transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill entitlement, are all classified as "veteran students." Veterans who wish to use their GI Bill education benefits must first establish their eligibility with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by submitting the appropriate application form. Veterans separated from service with an Honorable Discharge usually qualify for education benefits that provide, in general, 36 months of full-time training.
Veterans who have served on active duty on or after September 10, 2001, may be eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits.
Active-duty military personnel are also eligible for education benefits under the GI Bill. Service members are encouraged to speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their military service prior to enrolling at Wake Tech. GI Bill benefits are available for select Reserve and National Guard members to help with education and training costs. Interested persons should contact their unit's education representative.
Veterans will not be certified for VA benefits until all entrance/admissions criteria are met. Wake Tech certifying officials require official transcripts from high school and all other institutions of higher learning to expedite the certification process. Additionally, we request copies of the DD-214 and VA Certificate of Eligibility. Reservists and members of the National Guard are asked to submit the Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE).
Veterans attending Wake Tech under the GI Bill receive a monthly reimbursement from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The reimbursement is based on course load; for example, a veteran carrying a full-time load would be eligible for the full benefit. To receive the full benefit, the veteran must be enrolled at the full-time rate for the semester. Veterans should contact Military and Veterans Services, located in Building L, Suite 143, on Southern Wake Campus or Building C, Room 206, on Scott Northern Wake Campus, for more information. Veterans using GI Bill benefits are also encouraged to apply for federal financial aid.
NOTE: Military and Veterans Services does not have access to payment information.
Per Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e), any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits is permitted to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33 (a "certificate of eligibility" can also include a "Statement of Benefits" obtained from the VA website or a VAF 28-1905 form for Chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:
VA Satisfactory Academic Progress policy
Per federal regulations, a veteran student's cumulative GPA must be reviewed at the end of each semester of attendance, including summer. As such, a veteran student failing to receive a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA at the end of a semester will have his or her ability to use GI Bill benefits place on probationary status. While on probation, the student remains eligible for GI Bill benefits. If the student earns a cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher by the end of the probationary semester, the probation will be lifted. If a student does not earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA by the end of the probationary semester, VA benefits will be terminated. A veteran student failing to meet the required 2.0 standard at the end of the next term in attendance will also have his or her VA enrollment terminated and benefits temporarily suspended. Enrollment certification will not be restored until GPA standards are met or upon approval of a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal application.
Schedule Changes
Any changes to a veteran's enrollment must be immediately reported to Wake Tech Military and Veterans Services. Veteran students dropped or withdrawn for any reason will be immediately reported to the VA, and appropriate adjustments will be made. Reporting delays or omissions can adversely affect future benefit payments.
Enrollment in non-traditional courses
Veterans receiving VA education benefits may enroll in non-traditional courses, including online or hybrid courses, under the following conditions:
Remedial courses
Remedial and deficiency courses are designed to correct deficiencies in basic mathematics, English and reading at the elementary or secondary level. These courses can be certified as part of an approved program but only for students for whom a verifiable need has been established.
Remedial and deficiency courses offered as independent study (online) cannot be approved and cannot be certified to VA.
Dual majors/objectives
A student may want to pursue a dual major/objective. For example, a student may want to concurrently pursue two different degrees or pursue a degree and a certificate. A program of education may lead to more than one educational, professional or vocational objective if all objectives pursued are generally recognized as being reasonably related to a single career field. Only courses required to complete the dual major/objective can be certified.
Prior credit
The VA requires educational institutions to report credit allowed for all prior post-secondary educational credit and training, including military service schools, applicable to a student's current degree program. It is the student's responsibility to request academic transcripts from all post-secondary education institutions previously attended. VA regulations prohibit the college from certifying for payment courses that were previously completed if that course(s) applies toward the degree program pursued at Wake Tech. Students should avoid pursuing courses for which they may later receive transfer credit. If you are unsure how a course might be evaluated at Wake Tech, consult your academic advisor.
Repeating courses
Classes that are successfully completed may not be certified again for VA purposes if they are repeated. However, if a student fails a class or if a program requires a higher grade than the one achieved in a particular class for successful completion, that class may be repeated and certified to VA again.
Example 1: If a Nursing program requires a "B" or better in Biology, then that class may be repeated if a "B" or better was not earned. That requirement must be in the school catalog.
Example 2: If a course is required for graduation, a student who receives an "F" may repeat the course and be certified for it until it is successfully completed.
Example 3: If a student chooses to repeat a course that was successfully completed just to improve their GPA, that course cannot be certified to VA.
NOTE: Drops and withdrawals can be repeated as needed.
Rounding out
The VA allows a school to certify for payment of additional class(es) taken during the last term for the purpose of increasing training time or rate of pursuit, up to full-time. While these classes are not required for the specific beneficiary to graduate, they must be included within the program of study. Such classes must be specified by name in the approved program curriculum and not have been already completed. A veteran student can round out a schedule with additional courses to bring his or her course load up to a full-time schedule in his or her last term only. This allows students to continue to receive benefits at the full-time rate in their last term of enrollment, even though fewer credits are required to complete the program.
Residency waivers
Wake Tech will waive the 12-month state residency requirement for any student who meets the following criteria:
Priority registration
A Veterans Priority Registration system has been established to allow all veteran students and dependent students using GI Bill® benefits to register for courses before the general registration period opens. Contact Military and Veterans Services for more information.
VA 85/15 Rule
The 85/15 Rule requires that a minimum number of non-veterans find a program worthwhile and valuable or the payment of federal funds to veterans who enroll in the program will not be authorized. The rule prohibits paying VA benefits to students enrolling in a program where more than 85 percent of the students enrolled in that program are having any portion of their tuition, fees or other charges paid for them by the education and training institution or by VA under Title 38 and Title 10.
Formal complaint policy
Any veteran student may submit a complaint through the GI Bill Feedback Tool if Wake Tech fails to follow the Principles of Excellence. A student can submit a complaint for himself or herself, or one can be submitted anonymously on behalf of someone else who does not wish to be identified. The complainant will need to identify which education benefit is being used, select an issue category and detail the complaint in a narrative with the desired outcome. The complainant will also be asked to identify the school and provide contact information. The VA will review the following types of complaints:
Complaints are sent from the VA to Wake Tech Military and Veterans Services for review and to provide a response. If the VA determines another government agency would be better able to assist, they will forward the complaint to them and provide you an update. Please note, complaints submitted anonymously will not be sent to the college to prepare a response but are submitted for the record to the Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Sentinel Network.
Upon receiving a formal complaint, Wake Tech Military and Veterans Services will review it, communicate with the complainant as needed and prepare a response to the VA.
More information about veterans’ educational benefits can be found on the Wake Tech website.
Programs and resources
Veterans Zones
Veterans Zones are spaces for Wake Tech's student veterans and their family members to connect in a safe environment and interact in a unique academic and social setting. They are located on the Southern Wake, Scott Northern Wake and RTP campuses.
Green Zones
Wake Tech's "Green Zones" are locations identified as safe spaces for veteran and military-affiliated students, whether on campus or online. The goal of the Green Zone program is to equip faculty and staff with the ability to lend a sympathetic ear and help students identify and connect with appropriate resources. To help students identify Green Zones, faculty and staff will display a placard in their workspace.
Location and Hours:
Southern Wake Campus
Building L, Room 133
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Scott Northern Wake Campus
Building C, Room 206
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
RTP Campus
Building 1, Room 332MB
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Veterans Upward Bound
Veterans Upward Bound is a federally funded educational program that prepares veterans for post-secondary education, providing assessment and enhancement of basic skills through counseling, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction in core subjects.
Wake Tech offers Military Science courses in support of the U.S. Army Reserve Officer Training Candidate (ROTC) program. There is no ROTC contractual obligation to the Army or Army ROTC for the first two years, unless on scholarship or a Simultaneous Membership Program contract, such as the National Guard or Army Reserve.
Student Veterans of America
Wake Tech's Student Veterans of America chapter (SVA), part of the national SVA network, provides support to help student veterans adjust and be successful in their transition to civilian and college life. The club provides student veterans with opportunities to socialize, network, work together on community service projects, engage in leadership positions and enhance their resumes.
SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society
Wake Tech's chapter of SALUTE was established to recognize and honor the academic achievement of student veterans who have a 3.0 grade point average or above and to encourage excellence in scholarship, research and leadership.
Military and Veterans Services office hours and locations
Southern Wake Campus
Building L, Suite 143
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Scott Northern Wake Campus
Building C, Room 206 (Veterans Zone)
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
RTP Campus
Room 244C
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Perry Health Science Campus
Every third Tuesday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Virtual appointments are available at the following times:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. More information about education benefits offered by VA is available on the official U.S. government website.
The International Student Office assists international student applicants who wish to apply for a student (F-1) visa. The office assists F-1 status students in employment authorizations, reinstatements, extensions of I-20 expiration date, transferring I-20s to an institution certified by the federal Student and Exchange Visitor Program, travel abroad and re-entry procedures and with documentation of F-1 status.
In addition, international students may seek advice and referral information on all aspects of living and studying in the United States. All international (F-1) students and other (non-immigrant) visa holders who want to convert to F-1 status are required by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations to have a current record of local and foreign addresses on file with the college.
The English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Department offers academic English courses for individuals whose native language is not English and who wish to study at the college and university level in the United States. These courses comprise an intensive English language program that focuses on language for academic purposes. Courses are offered on proficiency levels in the following areas: listening and speaking, reading, grammar and composition. See the course descriptions listed as EFL in the course descriptions sections of this catalog for specific course information. This program meets the requirements for those students who have a student visa. Prospective students who wish to obtain a student visa should go to the International Student Office section of Wake Tech's website for more information. Tuition rates are the same as those for other curriculum classes offered at Wake Tech.
A student who withdraws from the college for reasons other than academic or administrative may apply for readmission for any subsequent semester. An applicant for readmission who has not attended for one year or more must submit a new application and, upon readmission, must meet current program requirements.
A student who has been dismissed for academic or administrative reasons may re-enroll after the dismissal period ends.
Readmission, re-enrollment and any attendance conditions or restrictions are at the discretion of the college.
Service members may seek readmission following a period of military service by submitting notice of military service and intent to return. The college will promptly readmit a student with the same academic status as he or she had when last attending or accepted for admission if the student cannot attend school due to military service. The student must notify the college of the military service and intention to return through oral or written notice of such service as far in advance as is reasonable under the circumstances or by an attestation of military service that necessitated the student's absence from school upon readmission. Notification may be provided to Military and Veteran Services. No notice is required if precluded by military necessity, such as service in operations that are classified or would be compromised by such notice. Notice of intent to return to school must be within three years after the completion of the period of service. If a student is hospitalized or convalescing due to an illness or injury incurred or aggravated during the performance of service, the student must notify the college within two years after the end of the period needed for recovery from the illness or injury. A student who fails to apply for readmission within these periods will be subject to the college's established general practices concerning leave of absence.
Health Sciences programs may have additional readmission requirements and policies. They can be found in the Student Policy Handbook for each Health Sciences program.
Students at Wake Tech are not required to provide documentation of immunizations for admission to the college; however, documentation is required in specific programs:
Curriculum admissions
Should assistance be needed, contact an admissions information specialist at 919-866-5420 or find information online.
Registration and Records
Southern Wake Campus, Student Services Building, Room 243
919-866-5474 or [email protected].