Do not let cost keep you from attending college and moving forward with your educational and career goals. Wake Tech can help you navigate the financial aid system to make costs more manageable and higher education more accessible. Our Financial Aid specialists can help you identify sources of assistance – some of which does not have to be repaid – answer questions about applying for aid and help you keep your aid as you progress toward your degree, diploma or certificate.
NOTE: The U.S. Department of Education has completely revamped the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) for the 2024-25 aid year, which has led to significant delays and implementation issues. The Financial Aid Office shares the frustration that many students are experiencing and wants to provide as much information as possible. Our commitment to providing students with an accurate financial aid award remains unwavering. We sincerely thank you for your patience, flexibility and understanding as we work diligently to award new and returning Wake Tech students in a timely manner. We recognize that a college education is a significant financial investment, and we are doing everything we can to ensure you receive the support you need.
In addition to financial aid to reduce the cost of attendance, Wake Tech offers a Tuition Payment Plan to split each semester's tuition and fees among multiple payments to make it easier on your budget.
If you are interested in non-degree workforce training, learn what financial support options are available at through Wake Tech's Propel program.
Please reach out through one of these methods:
Be sure to keep track of important deadlines throughout the aid application process, and make use of the available videos, links and other resources as you research and apply for aid.