Leading wireless and cable companies in North Carolina are using the fiber-optic technology to improve their long-distance phone, cable television and internet services. Build the skills for employment as a technician in the network cabling industry. Learn about telecommunications and the fundamentals of fiber-optic cable systems. Perform a mechanical splice. Calculate a system loss budget. Construct, test and troubleshoot cabling systems with electronic equipment.
Industry-recognized credential(s): Certified Fiber-optic Technician
Complete course(s) in: Six months or less
Workforce Development offers financial assistance for many workforce training programs through the Propel program and other resources. Email [email protected] for more information.
Build the skills for entry-level employment as a technician in a Fiber Optic or Telecommunications company. This course covers the fundamental principles of fiber optics – technology, cable termination, networks, splicing procedures, troubleshooting, and testing equipment. You’ll follow safety standards and protocols as you learn how to terminate fiber optic cables, perform a mechanical and fusion splice, and calculate a system loss budget. You’ll also learn how to construct, test, and troubleshoot cabling systems using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (ODTR); and how to operate a Fusion Splicer. Upon completion, you’ll be eligible to take the Fiber Optic Association (FOA®) Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT®) exam, a nationally-recognized certification.
Prerequisites: Completion of 10th grade of high school or CRC Bronze level or above.
Required text: FOA® Reference Guide to Fiber Optics, ISBN: 10 1-4392-5387-0, ISBN: 13 978-1-4392-5387-8. Students should bring safety clothes, gloves, shoes, and glasses.
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Desarrolle las habilidades basicas para un empleo como técnico en fibra óptica o telecomunicaciones en una empresa . Este curso cubre los principios fundamentales de la fibra óptica: tecnología, terminación de cables, redes, procedimientos de empalme, solución de problemas y equipos de prueba. Seguirá los estándares y protocolos de seguridad a medida que aprenda cómo terminar cables de fibra óptica, realizar un empalme mecánico y de fusión y calcular un presupuesto de pérdida del sistema. También aprenderá a construir, probar y solucionar problemas de sistemas de cableado utilizando un reflectómetro óptico en el dominio del tiempo (ODTR); y cómo operar una Fusion Splicer. Al finalizar, será elegible para realizar el examen de Técnico Certificado en Fibra Óptica (CFOT®) de la Asociación de Fibra Óptica (FOA®), una certificación reconocida a nivel nacional.
Prerrequisitos: Haber terminado el décimo grado de bachillerato / preparatoria o nivel CRC Bronce o superior.
Texto obligatorio: Guía de referencia de fibra óptica de FOA®, ISBN: 10 1-4392-5387-0, ISBN: 13 978-1-4392-5387-8. Los estudiantes deben traer ropa de seguridad, guantes, zapatos y anteojos de proteccion.
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