Check Out Training Options During Virtual Open House

Learn more about fast-track training opportunities available at Wake Tech during the Workforce Continuing Education Division's virtual open house from 5 to 7 p.m. October 23.

For more than 60 years, Wake Tech has changed the lives of thousands of people – helped them uncover hidden talents, start bold ventures, realize dreams and, sometimes, do the impossible. 

Each transformation is compelling, each story worth sharing – and Wake Tech students and alumni love sharing them! Take a look at some of their unique and inspiring stories.

Zine Soussi

A Cut Above

Zine  Soussi - Class of 2017

"My long-term goal is to grow the business, hire more graduates and eventually open an academy for aspiring barbers."

Casey Tart, graduate

Leveling Up and Giving Back

Casey  Tart - Class of 2006

"It feels really good helping people who are like I was, doing whatever they can to create a career and change their lives."

Harpuneet Farmah

Finding Your Passion

Harpuneet Farmah - Class of 2021

"I had an epiphany. Deep down I knew what I wanted to do!”

Michael Denning

A Path to a Career in Medicine

Michael  Denning - Class of 2016

“Wake Tech always provided me with the tools needed to excel in my academics.”


Donald Edney, apprentice

Apprenticeship Talent

Donald Edney

“WakeWorks® has been the clearest, simplest path toward gainful employment.”

Quintin Thorb

Removing Barriers

Quintin  Thorb

“I could see this new agreement opening up a lot of doors for people.”

Austin Warren, Wake Tech graduate

Major League Aspirations

Austin  Warren - Class of 2017

“Wake Tech prepared me for my journey by maturing me as a player on and off the field. I knew right away I needed to work hard to earn my spot and fine tune my skills to become a better ballplayer.”

She’s Hired!

She’s Hired!

Smitha  Ruddarraju - Class of 2020

“I am so grateful for my work-based learning opportunity and my team at WakeMed. Because of the close relationship between Wake Tech and WakeMed, I was able to learn firsthand the skills and knowledge I need to be successful in a business analytics career.”

Ballet to Biotech

Ballet to Biotech

Elice  McKinley - Class of 2017

"I’ve always loved learning and did well in school, so I loved being back. Having been in dance, a discipline so connected to the body, made learning about anatomy and physiology especially fascinating.”

Sarah Mason

Work-Based Learning Makes It Possible

Sarah Mason - Class of 2021

“Without Work-Based Learning, I wouldn’t have been able to manage full-time work and school – it just wouldn’t have been possible. “I think I’m signed up for lifelong learning at Wake Tech! I definitely enjoy learning.”

Andrew Moreadith photo

A Quick Fix

Andrew Moreadith - Class of 2018

Wake Tech is the reason I got this job and my life has changed because of it!

After five years at a university earning a bachelor’s degree in illustration, Oz Gollmar was burned out and not at all excited about a career in art. “I was honestly glad to be done,” she says. “I tried to tough it out through school, but it wasn’t me. I can’t sit in front of a computer every day.”

A New Creative Outlet

Oz Gollmar  - Class of 2019

"I absolutely believe that Wake Tech has brought out the best in me."

Tisha Temple Photo

Road to Recovery

Tisha Temple - Class of 2020

Don’t look at people where they are -
look at them where they can be.

Leslie Whitehurst - From Patient to Nurse

From Patient to Nurse

Leslie Whitehurst - Class of 2019

Everybody is in nursing school for a reason.

After exploring his options, Osvaldo decided that Wake Tech presented the right opportunities for him. He returned to complete the degree he began years before.

Succeeding in Science

Osvaldo Rodriguez - Class of 2019

“Coming back to Wake Tech, I found that people were open, receptive, and supportive. They told me how to get involved, how to succeed. I feel like I became part of a family, and part of the fabric of the school.”