For more than 60 years, Wake Tech has changed the lives of thousands of people – helped them uncover hidden talents, start bold ventures, realize dreams and, sometimes, do the impossible.
Each transformation is compelling, each story worth sharing – and Wake Tech students and alumni love sharing them! Take a look at some of their unique and inspiring stories.
"It was very reaffirming that making this career change was a good choice."
"My long-term goal is to grow the business, hire more graduates and eventually open an academy for aspiring barbers."
"It feels really good helping people who are like I was, doing whatever they can to create a career and change their lives."
"I had an epiphany. Deep down I knew what I wanted to do!”
“Wake Tech always provided me with the tools needed to excel in my academics.”
“WakeWorks® has been the clearest, simplest path toward gainful employment.”
“I could see this new agreement opening up a lot of doors for people.”
“Wake Tech prepared me for my journey by maturing me as a player on and off the field. I knew right away I needed to work hard to earn my spot and fine tune my skills to become a better ballplayer.”
“I am so grateful for my work-based learning opportunity and my team at WakeMed. Because of the close relationship between Wake Tech and WakeMed, I was able to learn firsthand the skills and knowledge I need to be successful in a business analytics career.”
"I’ve always loved learning and did well in school, so I loved being back. Having been in dance, a discipline so connected to the body, made learning about anatomy and physiology especially fascinating.”
“Without Work-Based Learning, I wouldn’t have been able to manage full-time work and school – it just wouldn’t have been possible. “I think I’m signed up for lifelong learning at Wake Tech! I definitely enjoy learning.”
Wake Tech is the reason I got this job and my life has changed because of it!
"I absolutely believe that Wake Tech has brought out the best in me."
Don’t look at people where they are -
look at them where they can be.