Friday was the deadline to pay your tuition for Spring semester classes. Pay your tuition online over the weekend so you don't lose your seat!
Disability Support Services (DSS) provides academic accommodations and auxiliary aids for students with many types of disabilities, including learning disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, psychiatric disorders, traumatic brain injury, deaf and hard-of-hearing, blind and low-vision, mobility impairments, medical conditions, autism spectrum disorders and temporary disabilities. To learn more about necessary documentation to qualify for academic accommodations and auxiliary aids, please visit the "Documentation Guidelines" section of the website.
Turnaround time from receipt of documentation to processing of letters varies. There is no specific deadline or required to initiate accommodation process.
The required steps are as follows:
If you have questions, contact your assigned coordinator. If you do not know who that is, refer back to the Accommodation Notice or contact DSS.
A student with accommodation of volunteer note-taking should do the following:
NOTE: Paid note-takers are generally hired by DSS for students with specific disabilities.