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Have you completed your North Carolina Residency Determination form? If not, you can do so now by clicking on the green button, and then add your verification number in the blank below. In-state residents could be eligible for additional funding options that require residency verification for eligibility.


Have you completed your NCWorks registration? If not, you can do so now by clicking on the blue button, and then add your NCWorks username in the blank below. 


Apt, suite, building, etc.
Briefly explain why you are requesting financial assistance and how your program of study will help you achieve your career goals.
Which class interests you?
Please submit a photo or scanned copy of one of the following documents to verify your residency. (NOTE: Documentation is not necessary for previously enrolled Wake Tech students.)

1. Driver's license or state-issued ID
2. Credit card, cellphone or utility bill
3. Bank or other financial statement (or online profile screenshot)
4. Health insurance card or document
5. Library card (or online account screenshot)
6. TANF, WIC, FNS or AFDC documentation
7. Documentation of homelessness
One file only.
150 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, .
Check this box to indicate your desire to be considered for additional federal aid based on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Your choice to apply for additional federal aid does not impact your application for other sources of aid. If you check this box, please include in your description above how the pandemic has affected your ability to complete your educational and vocational goals.

By checking this box, I certify that I am experiencing financial impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, and all information included in this request for emergency aid is true and complete. I understand that, if I am found to have knowingly or intentionally given false or fraudulent statements and/or documentation, my request will be denied, withdrawn, reduced or canceled. I also am aware that I may be required to pay all funds back and that future eligibility for federal education stimulus dollars could be jeopardized.
Wake Tech Propel helps students obtain workplace skills and certifications for jobs in high demand. Scholarships cover the cost of the course and related fees.