This course introduces the human services field, including the history, agencies, roles, and careers. Topics include personal/professional characteristics, diverse populations, community resources, disciplines in the field, systems, ethical standards, and major theoretical and treatment approaches. Upon completion, students should be able to identify the knowledge, skills, and roles of the human services worker.
Course Prerequisites:
Take HSE-135; Take either previously or concurrently. Recommended.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:2
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-112: Group Process I
This course introduces interpersonal concepts and group dynamics. Emphasis is placed on self-awareness facilitated by experiential learning in small groups with analysis of personal experiences and the behavior of others. Upon completion, students should be able to show competence in identifying and explaining how people are influenced by their interactions in group settings.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:2
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-123: Interviewing Techniques
This course covers the purpose, structure, focus, and techniques employed in effective interviewing. Emphasis is placed on observing, attending, listening, responding, recording, and summarizing of personal histories with instructor supervision. Upon completion, students should be able to perform the basic interviewing skills needed to function in the helping relationship.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.Take HSE-110; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:2
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-125: Counseling
This course covers the major approaches to psychotherapy and counseling, including theory, characteristics, and techniques. Emphasis is placed on facilitation of self-exploration, problem solving, decision making, and personal growth. Upon completion, students should be able to understand various theories of counseling and demonstrate counseling techniques.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.Take HSE-110; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:2
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-127: Conflict Resolution
This course introduces conflict resolution and mediation theory and practice. Emphasis is placed on achieving compromise and a win/win perception. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in identifying seemingly dissimilar positions and facilitating agreement.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:2
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-135: Orientation Lab I
This course is designed to promote professional, program, and personal identification with the human services field. Emphasis is placed on interpersonal communication, verbal and non-verbal interactions, and team building. Upon completion, students should be able to identify with the human services profession and demonstrate basic team-building skills.
Course Prerequisites:
Total Credits:1
Class Credits:0
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-145: Child Abuse & Neglect
This course explores the abused and neglected child, including the nature and dimension of the problem. Emphasis is placed on various types of abuse and neglect, their causes, proper treatment, and reporting laws and procedures. Upon completion, students should be able to identify family intervention and counseling techniques to help parents effectively cope in parent-child conflicts.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:3
Lab Credits:0
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-210: Human Services Issues
This course covers current issues and trends in the field of human services. Emphasis is placed on contemporary topics with relevance to special issues in a multi-faceted field. Upon completion, students should be able to integrate the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained in classroom and clinical experiences with emerging trends in the field.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:2
Class Credits:2
Lab Credits:0
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-220: Case Management
This course covers the variety of tasks associated with professional case management. Topics include treatment planning, needs assessment, referral procedures, and follow-up and integration of services. Upon completion, students should be able to effectively manage the care of the whole person from initial contact through termination of services.
Course Prerequisites:
Take HSE-110; Take previously. Required.Take HSE-110; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:2
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-225: Crisis Intervention
This course introduces the basic theories and principles of crisis intervention. Emphasis is placed on identifying and demonstrating appropriate and differential techniques for intervening in various crisis situations. Upon completion, students should be able to assess crisis situations and respond appropriately.
Course Prerequisites:
Take 1 group; Option: Take DRE-098(S23643); Option: Take RED-090 ENG-090; Option: Take ENG-111(S24022); Option: Take ENG-002; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:3
Lab Credits:0
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-226: Intellectual Disabilities
This course covers intellectual disabilities and related issues. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical perspectives, causes, prevention, and treatment of intellectual disabilities. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a general knowledge of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Course Prerequisites:
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:3
Lab Credits:0
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-227: Children & Adolescents in Crisis
This course covers the crises affecting children and adolescents in contemporary society. Emphasis is placed on abuse and neglect, suicide and murder, dysfunctional family living, poverty, and violence. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and discuss intervention strategies and available services for the major contemporary crises affecting children and adolescents.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:3
Lab Credits:0
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-245: Stress Management
This course covers stressors and techniques for stress management. Topics include anger, assertiveness, breathing, change, coping skills, family, time management, meditation, guided imagery, and journaling. Upon completion, students should be able to identify areas of stress and the skills and management techniques for dealing with stressors.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:2
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
HSE-251: Activities Planning
This course introduces skills and techniques used in recreation and leisure activities to enhance the lives of special populations. Emphasis is placed on music, art, and recreational activities. Upon completion, students should be able to define, plan, and adapt recreational activities for selected groups and individuals to maintain quality of life.
Course Prerequisites:
Take DRE-098(S23643) or ENG-002; Take previously. Required.