Friday was the deadline to pay your tuition for Spring semester classes. Pay your tuition online this weekend so you don't lose your seat!
The Wake Tech College Police Department maintains a crime log of all crimes and serious incidents (by date of occurrence) on campus, non-campus property and public property within its patrol jurisdiction. College Police reserve the right to exclude reports when appropriate. The crime log is available to the public in College Police Department headquarters, Holding Hall 101A on Southern Wake Campus.
Wake Tech is committed to the safety of everyone in the college community. The college publishes an annual report about crime on campus by October 1 of each year in compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. The report is available for anyone interested in attending or seeking employment with the college.
The report presents Wake Tech crime statistics for the previous three years and includes crimes occurring on campus, off campus in Wake Tech-owned or controlled buildings or properties and on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus. It describes the law enforcement authority of the campus police, crime prevention programming at the college and other security-related specifics. The report also outlines college policies and procedures related to drug and alcohol use, sexual misconduct, crime reporting, emergency management, campus notification systems and disciplinary actions.
To receive a paper copy of the report, contact College Police at 919-866-5869 or [email protected].
Wake Tech policies
Sex offender registries
Wake Tech provides these links in accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, and requires institutions of higher education to provide access to information concerning registered sex offenders.