Spring Semester Tuition Due

Friday is the deadline to pay your tuition for Spring semester classes. Don't lose your seat by not paying on time!

Pay tuition online, in person at the nearest campus or sign up for the Tuition Payment Plan.

North Carolina Customized Training Program

Wake Tech's Customized Training Program provides training assistance that supports full-time production and direct customer service positions created in North Carolina. North Carolina was the first state in the nation to deliver company-specific instruction as a component of the state's economic development efforts.

The Customized Training Program provides resources that may support training assessment, instructional design, instructional costs and training delivery for your employees. Popular programs include the following:

  • Manufacturing
  • Bioprocessing
  • Technology
  • Safety
  • Leadership
  • Project management
  • Continuous improvement
  • Apprenticeship support

Email Bernita Nichols, senior director of Customized Training, at [email protected] to discuss your customized training needs.