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Law Enforcement Cadets Graduate

RALEIGH, N.C. (December 7, 2021) -  A new round of highly trained law enforcement officers will soon be on patrol in Wake County and beyond. Wake Tech honored 18 cadets and 5 limited enrollee students from Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) today during a graduation ceremony at the Public Safety Education Campus. Graduates received certificates and awards in front of proud family and friends.

Wake Tech President Dr. Scott Ralls congratulated the cadets for their commitment to law enforcement.

“You all answered the call of service to enter this noble profession,” said Dr. Ralls. “You have the opportunity to serve our community and we are so proud of each of you.”

Tyler Suarez, class sergeant, praised his fellow graduates.

“Congratulation to all of us for our hard work and to the families who supported us,” said Suarez. “Every day will bring new responsibilities to protect our community and we are ready to serve.”

Teia Poulin, the peer team director for the Cary Police Department, was the guest speaker for the event. Poulin, who has a deep passion for helping law enforcement officers in crisis, offered advice for the BLET graduates.

“Law enforcement can be a stressful and traumatic job. It is very important to take care of yourselves, so it doesn’t impact a call,” said Poulin. “Be aware of your mental health and seek help if you need it.”

Teia Poulin has served as a Raleigh police officer and retired as a lieutenant with the NC Highway Patrol in 2014 after 30 years of service. She has more than 25 years of experience with peer support, the Post Critical Incident Seminars (PCIS), and the Sudden, Trauma, and Loss Seminar in dealing with grief in first responders. Poulin is passionate about providing first responder education and care in Peer Support, Officer Resilience, Stress Management, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Law Enforcement. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Liberty University.

Two cadets received awards for their accomplishments:

Highest Academic Award- Brett Glass

Johnny Blackmon Physical Fitness Award -Patrick Dercola

Highest Firearms Average Top Gun Award – Patrick Dercola

Wake Tech has offered its BLET Academy for more than 45 years. The rigorous program includes 768 hours of training and cadets are required to pass the Police Officers Physical Ability Test (POPAT), a timed series of search and rescue, physical agility, and mental alertness drills.

Wake Tech was the first community college in North Carolina – and the second in the nation – to earn CALEA® accreditation for its Public Safety Training Academy. CALEA®, the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, recognizes best practices and professional excellence in policy and practice.

The next round of BLET training begins in January. To learn more about basic law enforcement training at Wake Tech, visit blet.waketech.edu.

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