Friday is the deadline to pay your tuition for Spring semester classes. Don't lose your seat by not paying on time!
Pay tuition online, in person at the nearest campus or sign up for the Tuition Payment Plan.
Wake Tech identifies, evaluates and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to its mission, the diverse students it serves and the associate degrees, diplomas and certificates it offers. The college uses multiple measures to document student success, including national, state and institution-level measures.
Institutional measures
Wake Tech has developed objectives, measures and targets for each goal in the Reach and Rally Strategic Plan. These measures are aligned with national and state performance measures and provide leading indicators that allow Wake Tech to determine whether or not the strategies being implemented are resulting in measurable change.
State measures
Wake Tech also monitors state performance measures provided by the North Carolina Community College System office. Annual dashboards published by the system office based on data submitted by Wake Tech during the previous year shows the extent to which the college is meeting benchmarks established by the North Carolina General Assembly.
National measures
Wake Tech uses the National Student Clearinghouse six-year graduation rates to monitor student success at the state and national levels. Achievement targets are the average graduation rates of public two-year colleges in North Carolina and across the nation.