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Wake Tech News


Graphic Design Students Pitch Branding Concepts to Real-Life Business Clients

RALEIGH, N.C. (April 23, 2018) - Students in Wake Tech’s Advertising and Graphic Design program presented a portfolio of branding and design projects they have been working on throughout the semester for their real-life business clients. The students are a part of StartUp@WakeTech, an in-class entrepreneurial initiative that pairs Wake Tech students with local small business owners on actual projects. Early in the semester, five business owners pitched their branding needs to the students, and became class “clients” for the semester. StartUp@WakeTech gives students real-world experience working with local clients, from negotiating the scope of a project and writing contracts, to managing – and exceeding -- client expectations, and pitching final project concepts. Students come away with a hard-earned design portfolio and hands-on experience in a mock advertising agency setting, while the business clients end up with new websites, business cards, and design concepts they can really use, all at no cost.

“It was a wonderful experience for me to work with this focused group of students,” said class client Lauren McGhee, owner of a StrengthsFinder coaching and presentation business. “They took my wants and needs and translated that into more than I expected.”                

Today’s presentations took place in The Loading Dock co-working space in Raleigh. Wake Tech’s Small Business Center and Center for Entrepreneurship partner with area co-working spaces to bring business start-up resources, seminars, and counseling sessions into those facilities to help small businesses succeed.

“One of the biggest issues for entrepreneurs who work from home is isolation, so operating out of a co-working space gives small businesses a vibrant place to be with other like-minded people,” said Katie Gailes, director of Entrepreneurship Initiatives at Wake Tech.

As a benefit Wake Tech’s new partnership with The Loading Dock, the StartUp@WakeTech Graphic Design students receive one free day of co-working.

For more information, visit the StartUp@WakeTech webpage or call 919-335-1004.

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