Wake Tech Faculty Share Teaching Strategies
“Great Teachers Seminar” in its Second Year
RALEIGH, N.C. (November 21, 2017) — Wake Tech faculty came together to share their best ideas and re-energize at the college’s second annual Great Teachers Seminar. The event took place November 8-10 at the Trinity Center on Emerald Isle, NC. Thirty-one participants from across the college attended, plus nine facilitators. Whiting-Turner Contracting of Raleigh sponsored the event.
The seminar operates on the premise that the best discussions arise among those who are most interested in a given subject. The format is unique: There is no pre-planned agenda. Instead, participants complete an assignment ahead of time in which they describe a teaching innovation they want to try along with a problem they need to solve. Their submissions are then discussed in both large and small group sessions, and the agenda emerges from participants’ actual needs in a “bottom-up” fashion that encourages interaction. The teachers have a chance to talk about their unique issues and receive specific solutions that they can implement immediately.
Participants represented all divisions of the college, and ranged from new instructors to professors with 25 years of experience. Most were hired as subject matter experts from graduate school or industry.