Discover the secrets to mastering the art of making a perfect cup of coffee. Starting with the history of coffee, you will learn the fundamentals of the roasting process and how to ensure product quality. You will practice the necessary skills from how to pull espresso shots to stretching your foam, as well as the importance of cleaning and caring for your coffee equipment.
Coffee enthusiasts wanting to work in a coffee shop will also learn tips for menu planning, pricing products, marketing a coffee shop and, most importantly, how to effectively serve customers.
Workforce Development offers financial assistance for many workforce training programs through the Propel program and other resources. Email [email protected] for more information.
From the rookie home brewer to the seasoned coffee shop veteran, and everyone in-between will experience the world of Coffee in this class. This course will provide insight and hands-on training to enhance your knowledge and bring fun to the coffee experience. Topics covered include: preparation methods, recognizing aroma, coffee bean information, the importance of the roasting process, as well as knowing how to manually pull espresso shots. You’ll also discover how to plan a menu, ensure product quality, price products, market a coffee shop, and effectively serve customers.
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