All students are encouraged to keep their contact information updated to receive the most up-to-date Wake Tech-related information. Students have two options to update their personal information.
Option 1: Self-Service
Students can update the following by logging into Self-Service and selecting the "User Profile" menu under their username in the upper right corner:
Option 2: Permanent Record Changes form
Some updates to student information require verification of the student's identity before the changes can be made. The following changes can be submitted with a Permanent Record Changes form:
Students must provide a Wake Tech photo ID or a copy of a current, valid government-issued photo ID to process these changes. For students requesting to change a Social Security number, the student must also provide a copy of a signed Social Security card.
The signed and dated Permanent Records Change form and all supporting documents can be submitted in any of the following ways:
The form and all required documents should not be faxed, as government-issued photos cannot be read after being faxed.
Updating your chosen first and middle name is different from updating your legal or assigned name. Your legal or assigned name will still appear on official documents, such as your Wake Tech transcript, tax forms and tuition statements. The following chart shows where name changes would display.
For more information, see the Changes in Student Data for Curriculum Students policy.