Accent Reduction for Business Professionals
Available Classes
    Section Location Begin Date End Date Instructor Price Seats Available/Total Seats
290592 Face-to-Face Online Instruction 04/29/2024 06/24/2024 T. Courter $607.00 1/5
Description Course Outline Requirements Intended Audience More Details
Intended Audience
This course is designed for non-native English speakers whose English proficiency is at an advanced level. Students taking this class are looking for ways to manage the impact of foreign accents on intelligibility of their spoken English.
For non-native English-speaking business professionals, precision in spoken English can make the difference in career success. This comprehensive course introduces tools and techniques for enhancing clarity and intelligibility of American English pronunciation. Enrollment is kept to a minimum to provide individualized attention and promote active listening, which is a critical component when learning to modify production of vowels, consonants, and English stress patterns. By minimizing accent-related barriers, participants will improve communication effectiveness, foster stronger professional relationships, and increase opportunities for career advancement. In a world where effective communication is critical, make an investment in yourself and your future!
Course Objectives
  1. Identify, differentiate, and articulate vowel sounds, consonant sounds, and sentence stress.
  2. Identify specific accent-related difficulties and strategies to address these challenges in daily life.
  3. Monitor one's own pronunciation and employ techniques for continuous improvement.
Outline of Instruction
  1. Weekly instruction and practice will be informed by ongoing instructor assessment and observation and may include any of the following topics: vowel differentiation, stress patterns, focus words, and reduced speech pacing.
  2. Each class meeting provides students with the opportunity to practice active listening and utilize the Articulatory Setting of English: learning and applying new muscle movements for producing accurate pronunciation.
  3. In addition to instruction, participants will have ample opportunities to receive feedback from the instructor during each class.
Contact Hours
Industry Standard, State, or National Certification
CE to CU Articulation
Non-native English speakers should be at an advanced level of English proficiency.
Text and Supplies Needed
Please click on the Details button to see the most up-to-date information on textbook and technology requirements.
Clinical Site/Special Facilities
Requirements for Successful Completion of this Course
  1. Attendance 80% or above
  2. Participation
Accreditation/Special Approval Requirements
Intended Audience
This course is designed for non-native English speakers whose English proficiency is at an advanced level. Students taking this class are looking for ways to manage the impact of foreign accents on intelligibility of their spoken English.
Specific Industry or Business Support Needs
Industry or Job Titles Related to training Outcomes for Employment
Related Courses
Course Contact Information
Susan Shostak