Spanish Literature and Film Part I
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Description Course Outline Requirements Intended Audience More Details
Intended Audience
Adults that are at the advanced Spanish level. The ideal student should be near or fully fluent in Spanish for both grammar and in a communicative context.
Reading Spanish literature and watching films can be fun! This is the first course in a series for advanced Spanish students. Each lesson contains a thematically linked full-length or short film and three to four carefully chosen reading passages from well-known literary authors. The genres of these passages include short stories, poems, plays, and essays. You will develop critical thinking skills through activities that promote efficient viewing, comprehension, and discussion of films, and literary selections. You will also explore literary and film techniques, and in-depth analysis and interpretations. Focus on developing writing skills by using exercises that ask you to synthesize cultural information presented in the lesson’s selections. Films and essays are suggested for this class, but may change based on the instructor's choice and the availability of materials.
Course Objectives
  1. learn a new approach to further their knowledge of the advanced Spanish language.
  2. learn from a focus on literature, but also culture and film.
  3. focus on critical thinking and interpretation of literary texts.
  4. improve their Spanish speaking and writing skills for real life and work.
Outline of Instruction
  1. Week 1 – Course introduction of a short film, film vocabulary, pre-view activities. Part 1, 2, and 3 comprehension activities. Cinematographic technique: use of
    stereotypes. Film analysis exercises for comprehension, interpretation, technique, certain topic analysis. Homework: essay and vocabulary for next class and suggested short
  2. Week 2 – Class introduction short story and homework review: essay or equivalent and vocabulary review. The author's biographic information. Literary technique: short story and the power of words. Historic context: feminism and femininity. Pre-reading activities. Short story reading and analysis exercises for comprehension, interpretation, technique, opinions. Homework: essay and vocabulary for next class: poem of choice.
  3. Week 3 – Class introduction poem and homework review: essay and vocabulary for poem. The author's biographic information. Literary technique: metaphor and figurative speech. Historic context: 2omen at the beginning of the century. Pre-reading activities; poem reading. Story analysis exercises for comprehension, interpretation, literary technique, conversation. Homework: essay on suggested poem and vocabulary for next class.
  4. Week 4 – Class introduction: Suggested short story and homework on poem of choice and vocabulary. The author's biographic information. Literary technique: juxtaposition and historic context: Hollywood and its stars. Pre-reading activities and reading of a short story. Story analysis exercises on comprehension, interpretation, literary technique, conversation. Homework: essay and vocabulary for next class: Suggested novel of choice.
  5. Week 5 – Class introduction suggested novel and homework review: essay and vocabulary. The author's biographic information. Literary technique: irony. Historic context: realism. Pre-reading activities. Reading: novel of choice.
    Story analysis exercises on comprehension, interpretation, literary technique, analysis opinions. Homework: essay and vocabulary for next class: Film of choice.
  6. Week 6 – Class introduction film and homework review: essay and vocabulary. Author's biographic information. Historic context: The Spanish Civil War. Film pre-viewing and three comprehension activities.
  7. Week 7 – Finishing viewing and comprehension activities. Story analysis exercises for comprehension, interpretation, literary technique, group activity and
    presentation. Homework: essay and vocabulary for next class: Suggested short story.
  8. Week 8 – Class introduction and homework review: essay and vocabulary. The author's biographic information. Literary
    technique: narrative. Historic context: dictatorship and terror in Argentina. Pre-reading activities. short story reading and analysis
    exercises for comprehension, interpretation, literary technique, conversation. Homework: vocabulary for next class: Suggested poem.
  9. Week 9 – Class introduction and poem. Homework review: essay and vocabulary. The author's biographic information. Literary technique: Poetic voice historic context: Madrid, the heart of the Spanish Civil War.
    Pre-reading activities. Poem reading and analysis exercises for comprehension, interpretation, literary technique, conversation. Homework: essay and vocabulary for
    next class: Suggested theater piece.
  10. Week 10 – Class introduction theatre piece and homework review: essay and vocabulary. The author's biographic information. Literary technique: Scenery. Historic context: Authoritarianism in the pre-war Spain. Pre-reading activities and story analysis exercises for comprehension, interpretation, literary technique, analysis and debate. No homework as this is the last class.
Contact Hours
Industry Standard, State, or National Certification
CE to CU Articulation
Spanish Intermediate course Parts 1-3 and at least two Spanish conversation courses at the intermediate or advanced levels or equivalent.
Text and Supplies Needed
Clinical Site/Special Facilities
Requirements for Successful Completion of this Course
  1. Attendance 90% or above
  2. Participation
Accreditation/Special Approval Requirements
Intended Audience
Adults that are at the advanced Spanish level. The ideal student should be near or fully fluent in Spanish for both grammar and in a communicative context.
Specific Industry or Business Support Needs
Industry or Job Titles Related to training Outcomes for Employment
Related Courses
  • Spanish Literature and Film Part II - SEF-3001B2
  • Spanish Literature and Film Part III - SEF-3001V2
Course Contact Information
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