Bilingual Microsoft Word: Intermediate [Spanish/English]
Available Classes
Not currently offered.
Description Course Outline Requirements Intended Audience More Details
Intended Audience
Hispanic/Latino Students Interested in furthering their knowledge in MS Word.
Este curso cubre las características intermedias de Microsoft Word. Los estudiantes aprenderán a crear, ordenar, organizar y unir tablas, trabajarán con columnas, "WordArt", imágenes prediseñadas y temas. El curso incluye la configuración de la orientación de la página y el tamaño, trabajar con figuras, dar formato al fondo de la página y edición de imágenes. Los estudiantes crearán un trabajo que incluye encabezados, pies de página, leyendas y una tabla de ilustraciones. También utilizarán plantillas integradas de Word y crearán sus propias plantillas.

This class is taught in Spanish with some materials that are in English. Esta clase se ensena en español.

This course covers intermediate-level features of Microsoft Word. Students will learn how to create sort, format, and merge tables and work with section breaks, columns, WordArt, clip art, and themes. They will learn how to set page orientation and size, work with shapes, edit pictures, and format page backgrounds. Students will also create a research paper that includes footnotes and endnotes, headers and footers, captions, and tables of figures. They will use Word’s built-in templates and create templates of their own.
Course Objectives
  1. be able to create a research paper that includes footnotes and endnotes, headers and footers, and captions and a table of figures. They will also use Word’s built-in templates, and will create their own template.
Outline of Instruction
  1. Working with tables
    1. Creating a newsletter
    2. Creating a promotional brochure
    3. Creating a research paper
    4. Final assessments
Contact Hours
Industry Standard, State, or National Certification
CE to CU Articulation
Bilingual Microsoft Word: Introduction (Spanish/English) or similar experience.
Text and Supplies Needed
Microsoft Word: Comprehensive
Clinical Site/Special Facilities
Requirements for Successful Completion of this Course
  1. Attendance 90% or above
  2. Participation
  3. Grading:
    Successful completion of this course requires 90% attendance and satisfactory class participation (i.e., be able to demonstrate proficiency in all concepts taught). If a student has extenuating circumstances causing absences of greater than 10% of the class time, the student must make arrangements with the instructor to provide evidence of keeping up with the class material and making up the work, exercises, and projects missed; or demonstrate competency in the course objectives. Students with irregular attendance, less than 90% attendance, or is unable to demonstrate competency will receive a grade of NG (no grade).
Accreditation/Special Approval Requirements
Intended Audience
Hispanic/Latino Students Interested in furthering their knowledge in MS Word.
Specific Industry or Business Support Needs
Industry or Job Titles Related to training Outcomes for Employment
  • Office Assistant
Related Courses
  • Office Technology - OSC-3602A2
  • Introduction to Microsoft Word [Spanish] - OST-3100S2
Course Contact Information
Michael Langer