Pathways to a Real Estate Career and Exploring How to Start Buying, Selling & Flipping Houses
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Based on 27 student surveys.
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Description Course Outline Requirements Intended Audience More Details
Intended Audience
Unemployed and underemployed job seekers.
Real estate is a flexible industry with unlimited income potential, and this course will help students explore how to become a real estate broker or sales agent. Students will learn about the education, licenses, certifications, and registrations needed to work in the field. The class will also review important skills needed to help clients, buy, sell, and rent properties. Students will discuss ways to develop skills to advertise properties through open houses, listing services, and social media.
Course Objectives
  1. have learned what real estate brokers and sales agents do for clients.
  2. have learned about the work environment for real estate brokers and sales agents.
  3. have learned about job duties for real estate brokers and sales agents.
  4. have discussed an introduction to investing in real estate and flipping houses.
Outline of Instruction
  1. Module 1 - Overview of a career in real estate
  2. Module 2 - Discussion of the duties, work environment, education, licenses, certifications, and registrations
  3. Module 3 - Review of essential workplace skills needed to help clients buy, sell, and rent properties
  4. Module 4 - Development of a plan to learn how to advertise properties through open houses, listing services, and social media
  5. Module 5 - Creation of a plan to pursue a real estate career
Contact Hours
Industry Standard, State, or National Certification
CE to CU Articulation
Text and Supplies Needed
Clinical Site/Special Facilities
Requirements for Successful Completion of this Course
  1. Attendance 95% or above
  2. Participation
Accreditation/Special Approval Requirements
Intended Audience
Unemployed and underemployed job seekers.
Specific Industry or Business Support Needs
Industry or Job Titles Related to training Outcomes for Employment
Related Courses
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Course Contact Information
HRD Office
919-532-5694 or 919-532-5696