Pathway to the Bilingual Cosmetology Program
Available Classes
Not currently offered.
Description Course Outline Requirements Intended Audience More Details
Intended Audience
Students that are interested in the field of cosmetology and seek to enroll in the Workforce Continuing Education Bilingual Cosmetology Program.
Este curso es una introducción a la cosmetología dirigido a las personas interesadas en la industria de la bellaza. Es una revisión general del programa de cosmetología bilingüe. Adicionalmente, los estudiantes tomarán el examén de “N.C. Career Readiness Certification”, el cual evalúa el nivel de habilidad del estudiante en tres áreas: Lectura, Matemáticas y Localización de Información. Este curso, aunque no le garantiza un lugar en la clase de cosmetolgía le da la oportunidad a aquellos que cumplan con los requisitos de inscribirse en los próximos programas.

This course is an introductory course for those interested in the beauty industry. Prospect students will receive a general overview of the Bilingual Cosmetology Program. In addition, students will have the opportunity to test for the Career Ready Certificate which is a credential that assesses the level of math, reading and ability to locate information on the web. Although, this course does not guarantee a spot in the class, it allows prospect students of Cosmetology to get a sneak preview of the industry and learn of the program requirements.

This course is taught in Spanish and English. Este curso se enseña en español e inglés.
Course Objectives
  1. Upon completion students will be able to describe the Cosmetology practices, learn the requirements for the program, test for the CRC certificate, and opportunity to register to the Bilingual Cosmetology Program.
Outline of Instruction
  1. Introduction
    • Program Overview
    • Requirements
    • Subjects included in the scope of Cosmetology
  2. N.C. Career Readiness Certification (CRC) Pre-Test
  3. N.C. Readiness Certification (CRC) Test
  4. Registration Process
    • Collect Required Documents
    • Registration
    • Share Information and Resources
Contact Hours
Industry Standard, State, or National Certification
N.C. Career Readiness Certification
Website URL
Certification Learning Outcomes/Requirements
CE to CU Articulation
Text and Supplies Needed
Clinical Site/Special Facilities
Requirements for Successful Completion of this Course
  1. Attendance 90% or above
  2. Participation
  3. Successful completion of this course requires 90% attendance and satisfactory class participation (i.e., be able to demonstrate proficiency in all concepts taught). If a student has extenuating circumstances causing absences of greater than 10% of the class time, the student must make arrangements with the instructor to provide evidence of keeping up with the class material and making up the work, exercises, and projects missed; or demonstrate competency in the course objectives. Students with irregular attendance, less than 90% attendance, or are unable to demonstrate competency will receive a grade of NG (no grade)
Accreditation/Special Approval Requirements
Intended Audience
Students that are interested in the field of cosmetology and seek to enroll in the Workforce Continuing Education Bilingual Cosmetology Program.
Specific Industry or Business Support Needs
Industry or Job Titles Related to training Outcomes for Employment
  • Cosmetologists
Related Courses
Course Contact Information
Maribel Jefferies