Microsoft Excel - Pivot Tables
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Description Course Outline Requirements Intended Audience More Details
Master all the features of Excel pivot tables, including little-known options and settings, layouts, calculated fields, multi-level subtotals, Pivot Charts, Timelines, and Slicers.
Course Objectives
  1. have learned how to effectively use all the advanced Excel pivot table features.
  2. have discovered advanced techniques for pivot tables, like creating Timelines, calculated fields, and calculated items.
  3. have learned how to use Excel's Table function to efficiently manage changes to the pivot table's source data in order to avoid reporting mistakes when data is added or deleted.
Outline of Instruction
  1. Lesson 01 - Pivot Table Concepts


    In our first lesson, you'll develop a solid understanding of the requirements to use pivot tables. We'll go over the foundational elements you need to understand to get the most out of pivot tables, and we'll take a peek into the sometimes-intimidating Pivot Table Fields task pane and pivot table-specific Ribbon tabs.
  2. Lesson 02 - Creating a Pivot Table


    Not all data is created equal. In this lesson, you'll learn what's required to make sure your data is organized well enough to be used in a pivot table. I'll give you an example of a very common issue that occurs when the source data changes or expands, and I'll show you how to easily eliminate that issue in just a few quick clicks of the mouse.
  3. Lesson 03 - Pivot Table Analyze and Design Tabs


    Working efficiently with pivot tables requires knowing where to find the proper pivot table feature without searching high and low for it. Most pivot table features reside on one of the two pivot table-specific Ribbon tabs. Knowing how the different features are grouped and what each one provides is a must if you want to consider yourself a master pivot table user, so we'll explore all of it in today's lesson.
  4. Lesson 04 - Pivot Table Formatting Inside and Out


    Formatting a pivot table report can be challenging if you don't know all the secrets. In this lesson, you'll learn how to format cells and numbers, as well as how to handle empty cells or errors in your source data. In addition, you'll get some exposure to renaming fields and how to sort and filter data within your pivot table report.
  5. Lesson 05 - Pivot Table Options and Field Settings


    Most users aren't aware there are certain options and settings that provide little-known but extremely useful features. Most of these features are accessed through the pivot table Ribbon tabs, but some aren't. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use some of the more obscure settings in the Pivot Table Options and Field Settings dialog boxes.
  6. Lesson 06 - Value Field Settings


    Similar to the Field Settings, the Values section of a pivot table report have unique settings and summarization options. For most people, simply summing or counting the data within the Values section is enough. But once you learn how to use these lesser-known settings, you'll go from an average pivot table user to an expert.
  7. Lesson 07 - Grouping Pivot Table Fields


    A pivot table is ideal for analyzing and summarizing data. By default, the table does an excellent job at summarizing the data within the various fields, but there is a way to summarize the data even further. In this lesson, we'll group ordinary pivot table fields, which will create new fields that you can use within the pivot table or as a Slicer. In addition, you'll learn how to expand and collapse fields to help in summarizing the pivot table data.
  8. Lesson 08 - Data-Integrity Checks and Report Filters


    A pivot table is a great way to locate data anomalies in large data sets that would otherwise be hard to find scanning through the source table. In addition, the proper use of report filters can assist in any data investigation, as well as providing a great tool to create multiple reports from a single pivot table report. You'll learn all about these tools in today's lesson.
  9. Lesson 09 - Cloning a Pivot Table and the Wonderful World of Slicers


    Pivot tables are extremely useful and flexible for data analysis and reporting. It's easy to add, remove, or simply move fields to create different-looking reports from the same source data. Routinely, it's necessary to create different versions of reports, but the best way to do so isn't as straightforward as you might think. You'll see what I mean in this lesson.
  10. Lesson 10 - Calculated Fields and Items


    Pivot tables are great for analyzing and reporting information, but they're limited in their functionality when your source data is missing needed information. Or, perhaps the information isn't needed in the source data and is only needed for analysis for a short time. Using Excel's Calculated Items and Fields feature provides you with a way to create items that are missing from the source data or that you need for a one-time analysis. You'll see what I mean when we practice using it in today's lesson.
  11. Lesson 11 - Working With Slicers and Pivot Charts


    Your pivot table isn't complete without a Slicer and pivot chart. In order to create an effective dashboard, a pivot table and pivot chart controlled by multiple Slicers is a must. Creating and managing Slicers and Pivot Charts is really quite simple and a lot of fun. You'll see what I mean in today's lesson.
  12. Lesson 12 - Timelines and Dashboard Development


    There are many interactive tools and techniques available to make pivot tables and pivot charts fun to use, and we'll go over some of my favorites in this, our final lesson. Similar to a Slicer, Excel offers a tool called Timelines. Timelines are available when a field available in your pivot table or chart is a date. Within a dashboard, using the Timeline feature can be useful and eye catching to the users.
Contact Hours
Industry Standard, State, or National Certification
CE to CU Articulation
Text and Supplies Needed
Internet access
• Email
• One of the following browsers:
o Mozilla Firefox
o Microsoft Internet Explorer (9.0 or above)
o Google Chrome
o Safari
• Adobe PDF plug-in (a free download obtained at .)

Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8.x, or Microsoft Windows 10; Microsoft Excel 2010, Microsoft Excel 2013, or Microsoft Office 2016. A free 30-day trial of Office 365 Home Premium may be available at Office Online. Then, a subscription can be purchased for as little as $6.99 per month.

Please be sure to install the software on your computer before the course begins.

Note: This course is not suitable for Macintosh users who are using the Office Mac Home versions or for users of older versions of Microsoft Excel. "Starter Version" and "Web App" versions of Microsoft Excel will not work with the full version of Excel taught in this course.
Clinical Site/Special Facilities
Requirements for Successful Completion of this Course
  1. Attendance 80% or above
  2. Participation
  3. Students must past 10 quizzes or pass the final exam with 70% or better.
Accreditation/Special Approval Requirements
Intended Audience
Specific Industry or Business Support Needs
Industry or Job Titles Related to training Outcomes for Employment
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